All Topics in Washington D.C.

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  • The Role of Personal Peace in World Peace

    Ukpeme Okon, Charismatic Speaker, Creative Author, Ambassador for Peace

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Educational

    A peaceful individual is likely to be an agent of peace in her or his family, neighborhood, workplace, community and the world. Peace is possible. This presentation will teach participants how to achieve peace, become ambassadors for peace, prevent conflicts, and resolve conflicts in non-violent ways.

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  • Becoming an Audiobook Narrator

    Robert Keiper, Independent Contractor

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Entertainment

    Have you ever had the urge to try narrating an audiobook and get paid for it? There are websites anxious to give you a FREE opportunity to build your skills until you’re ready to move to a professional level. In this presentation, Robert Keiper will tell you how to set up your own audio studio at home and demonstrate some of the skills you’ll have to master. MORE >

    He’ll play excerpts from some of the dozen audiobooks he narrated, that can be found on Audible and Amazon, and tell you some of the tricks he has learned that helped make those narrations successful.
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  • Dysfunctional Communication Styles

    Mark Shuler, President, The Shuler Group LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    Dysfunctional communication comes into play when we feel drained or incomplete after an interaction. In short, you leave a situation feeling drained, and almost corrupted. What do we do to minimize these interactions, avoid them, fix them, or delete them?

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  • Searching for the Truth… What is Truth?

    Mark Karapetyan, Founder / President, What If UR Wrong Apologetics

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    Ask anyone today if truth exists, or if it can be defined, and see how fascinating and edgy the conversation will get in a second. Ironically, we live in a pluralistic post-modern world where truth is subjectively recognized, widely suppressed, and regularly denied. You have probably heard someone tell you "I have my own truth and you have yours” or “all religions are true.” MORE >

    The problem with these types of statements is that they are opposing and mutually exclusive by nature. If they can't logically be both true, for they are self –defeating, how do we define truth and find out what is the truth?
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  • Creating Success that Sticks: Aligning Your Core Values with Your Career

    Catherine A. Wood, Founder & Head Coach, Unbounded Potential

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    If you became famous tomorrow and your own definition of success became a maxim, what lesson would you impart? What wisdom would you share? For many, success is a fleeting sensation—the achievement of one goal and immediately on to the next. The joy and satisfaction flash in front of our eyes in the instant of success and then it eludes us once again. MORE >

    What could be possible for you in redefining your relationship to success from the inside out, and making that elusive success stick while producing even greater results? You will walk away with a model for aligning your core values with your goals as an access point to creating success that sticks from the inside out.
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  • Personalized Medicine in the Context of Diagnostics and Healthcare Improvement.

    Tisha Jepson, CEO, True Bearing Diagnostics

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Why has the trajectory of healthcare improvement from the Human Genome Project until today fallen so short of expectations? Why is cancer ahead of the pack? Why is 40-70% of testing for coronary artery disease unnecessary? Why are 50% of first heart attacks unexpected? What are some important differences between DNA and RNA when it comes to healthcare? This talk will touch on these and related topics that will enable the lay person to better understand the current status of clinical and diagnostic care as related to personalized medicine from the perspective of the transcriptome and its ability to assist with a fundamental pivot supporting better population scale health and healthcare. MORE >

    Goal – more preventative care and better accuracy as physicians and the patients work toward addressing declining health and diseases both diagnostically and therapeutically.

    Focus - a new diagnostic test for coronary artery disease (CAD) will be described as a case study.

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  • 3 Big Secrets About Stress That Are Keeping Your Health Hostage

    Dr. Anne Berkeley, Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Anne Berkeley PLLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Never before have we experienced stress as we do today. With advances in technology and the increasing pace of modern life, stress levels are high. Our bodies are trying to help us out, but we are not meant to be under stress all the time. Although we cannot escape it completely, there are proactive steps that we can take to change the way our bodies respond. We’ll talk about how stress impacts many different aspects of our health and what the best strategies are to quickly help our bodies recover. You will learn simple techniques to help increase resilience, improve performance and manage stressful situations. Join us to talk with Dr. Anne Berkeley about an individualized and holistic approach for managing stress and what this could look like for you. MORE >

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  • Communication Leadership

    Robert Keiper, Independent Contractor

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Leaders are those who create value in goods, services, and especially in behavior. But communicating those values takes more than simply presenting your ideas. Based on Robert Keiper’s 35 years’ experience as a presentation skills coach and workshop leader, this presentation provides step-by-step guides to help you capture audience attention and trust, set clearer goals, develop more compelling agendas and design unforgettable content and visuals. MORE >

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  • Accelerating Your Career on Life’s Expressway

    Marvin Meinders, Owner, Meinders Consultant, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    Are you or your child just starting out on their career or are you caught in a bad situation in your career, it is important that you have an overall strategic plan to help you navigate your career hurdles. A successful career includes more than just your job performance. To be really successful in your career, you must first have a plan of what you want to achieve and how to achieve them over your 40-year career. MORE >

    To help you develop a strategic plan, we will identify and discuss key elements such as your career, personal, and professional goals. To accomplish your goal you will also need to identifying the special gifts and talents you possess to achieve these goals. Identifying these key elements and putting them into a timeline is essential to get your career off to a fast and successful life and career.
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  • The New Age of Women and Girls

    DonnaAnn Ward, Actor, Writer, Organizer

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    As we witness the unprecedented presence of women in positions of prominence, it seems that fifty-one percent of the world's population has come into their own in a very big way. We see women and girls making a stunning impact on our world and our perception of possibility. It is an exciting time to be around these women, to be a part of an explosion of equality and smashing of stereotypes. MORE >

    This rise of women touches all aspects of our lives, to speak of powerful women and girls is to be a part of a shift the world over. Lysistrata put her foot down in 411 B.C. and Malala Yousafzai put her pen to paper in 2014, between the two moments, a fascinating history has been made. I enjoy speaking on all topics female, including LGBTQ, reproduction, education, aging, body and self-image, marriage, divorce, and singlehood.
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