DonnaAnn Ward
Actor, Writer, Organizer
Free Miscellaneous Speaker in Washington D.C.
The New Age of Women and Girls
TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
As we witness the unprecedented presence of women in positions of prominence, it seems that fifty-one percent of the world's population has come into their own in a very big way. We see women and girls making a stunning impact on our world and our perception of possibility. It is an exciting time to be around these women, to be a part of an explosion of equality and smashing of stereotypes. MORE >
This rise of women touches all aspects of our lives, to speak of powerful women and girls is to be a part of a shift the world over. Lysistrata put her foot down in 411 B.C. and Malala Yousafzai put her pen to paper in 2014, between the two moments, a fascinating history has been made. I enjoy speaking on all topics female, including LGBTQ, reproduction, education, aging, body and self-image, marriage, divorce, and singlehood. -
The Environment
TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
While the increase and severity of environmental disasters is nearly impossible to deny, there is hope on the horizon. It seems that every insurmountable problem mankind has created is finding a new and innovative solution. All over our planet, efforts are being made to reduce the impact of human activity in fascinating ways. MORE >
Speaking about the environment can be heart breaking. So many problems exist, that it can seem pointless to even try to solve them. Yet, all over the world bright minds are coming together, often crossing incredible boundaries of geography, language, and culture, to work to save our Earth.Addressing painful topics, loss of life, suffering, sickness, tragedy, can be difficult, but reaching those who can effect change the most is critical. I am proud to do my part to recognize the serious issues we face, as well as the myriad ways we can all work to overcome them. Speaking on environmental issues is one way I chip in.