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Your voice creates: Men should not yell at women
Gary Gracia, Zilah
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
I had to learn the hard way that talking, yelling, screaming and shouting in high volumes does something to women. Women have tolerated a lot because of how people talk to them but as my wife has taught me (she likes to use the word train), women should not accept being spoken to like that. Someone needs to educate men and women to love with women even when someone is rude. MORE >
All the Answers You Need are Hidden Inside You — Keynote
Bob Graham, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Breakthrough Solutions
TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational
In this motivational keynote address, Bob Graham delivers an message on how we can solve even the most complex of challenges. MORE >
Using personal experiences (including his successful 25+ year battle with cancer, as well as wit and hard-earned wisdom acquired from his varied career as a journalist, marketer, professor and business coach, Graham delivers a powerful presentation focused on Embracing the Renegade in You.Participants will discover how to access inside each of them the Renegade, someone who is finding their own unique pathway to success. He will show them how that Renegade can be empowered to solve problems and how those solutions will encourage them to take greater personal risks and experience great rewards.
As cohost of the Today's Antidote podcast since March 2020, he shares stories and anecdotes that highlight this uniquely simple way to solve problems. In his presentation, he gives actionable steps that will drive people to collaborate and operate more effectively individually and in teams.
Your Progress is Holding You Back
Cheryl Abram, Learning Doula, Ypifany
In this high energy session, Cheryl helps decision-makers see and understand why change is necessary, difficult and rewarding. As the accountable party, decision-makers need to evolve while embracing real change. The session includes practical guidance for how to cultivate the power of personal accountability at home and at work.
Estate Planning 101: What You Need to Know
Lars Etzkorn, Lawyer, Lars Etzkorn Law PLLC
Do you really need a Last Will and Testament? What is a trust? What are the documents needed to protect you and your loved ones in case of incapacity? Learn what you need, how to find a lawyer, and how much it will likely cost to get an estate plan.
Going from Manager to Leader
Bob Graham, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Breakthrough Solutions
Most people see managers as people to tell others what to do. By contrast, good leaders collaborate, inspire, motivate and celebrate their team members and the collective success. Ideal for new and seasoned managers, Bob Graham explains the benefits of being a leader, then provides participants with actionable strategies for becoming the leader their teams need. This interactive workshop can radically improve how teams operate. MORE >
Building Wealth from the Inside Out
DeDee Cai, Founder and CEO, FIT TO PROFIT
You have the highs and lows in your business. You wondered why running a business seems like charging up an uphill battle most of the time. You know what it takes to be successful, but the results do not correlate with the level of knowledge you possess, nor the level of enthusiasm you have. You may seem successful from the outside, but feel unfulfilled from the inside. So you keep will-powering through until one day you are forced to ask yourself the question: ‘‘What am I doing wrong?’ MORE >
What if I told you that you don’t have any real business problems, that the issues you have are just a reflection of how you operate as a person, and what you think you are capable of creating. That the state of your net worth is a direct reflection of your level of self-worth. Why does success, and earning money for a business owner has to be such a source of struggle? It does not have to be.This presentation will provide you with the tools to set your mind on what’s possible, and reclaim your worth to take your business to the next level.
Building C3 Communities with Talent Optimization
Mali Phonpadith, Founder & CEO, SOAR Community Network, LLC
Build Compassionate, Cohesive and Collaborative (C3) communities within organizations using behavioral science and talent optimization disciplines. Mali shares strategic approaches to help executives drive business results by building and maintaining compassionate, cohesive and collaborative communities within the organization.
The focus and goal of the session will help executive leaders: MORE >*Come to a consensus on new strategic priorities;
*Use behavioral science to design high performing, innovative and cohesive teams;
*Drive business results by aligning people data (behavioral strengths) with strategic objectivesTakeaways:
*Participants will be able to evaluate and prioritize their strategic objectives
*Participants will be able to analyze and design people/team/talent strategies that creates C3 Communities within their organizations
*Participants will be able to establish a new approach to talent management that increases engagement, improves collaboration, drive business results and improve organizational effectiveness
*Participants will be able to assess how their “team type” and “culture map” (based on the results of their people data) impact engagement, productivity and innovation -
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Energy for Good
Granetta Coleman, Certified Healthy Lifestyle Accountability Coach, Rooted Dish
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Energy for Good covers: The 5 Culprits that are robbing your energy; The foods & drinks that are the top energy stealing offenders; One simple strategy you can implement immediately to avoid the 3pm crash (and binging on sugar); The fastest way to increase your energy, FOR GOOD (and it doesn’t involve supplements or caffeine); The 5 power-house energy boosting foods you can easily integrate into your diet today.
MORE > -
Do You Have Rockstars or Rocks on Your Team?
Dawn Shuler, CEO and Founder, The Shuler Group, LLC
A player employees outperform B players by 3 to 1. B players outperform C players by 3 to 1 again.
Do the math… that means A players (your rockstars) are worth NINE C players (the rocks). MORE >
How can you tell if you have rockstars or rocks on your team? How do you hire rockstars? Can you train rockstars? Do you need all rockstars only? Is there a place for the rocks?In this session, we'll cover:
- What makes someone a rockstar, and what makes someone a rock
- What to look for to hire rockstars over rocks
- What to do with the rocks -
Divorce in the Military
Dr. Tia Corbin-Myers, CEO, Sweat N Me Boutique
TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous
Being in the military for over 15 years I want to share being in the Military and infidelity within marriages. Many families go through divorce from being in the military because of separation. Traveling often and being away for long periods of time can cause each one to lose love for each other. There can also be times when one spouse is jealous because they have put off their lives for the military spouse. MORE >