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  • Top Ten Questions to Help Face the End-of-Life

    Lars Etzkorn, Lawyer, Lars Etzkorn Law PLLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    Of course, you know procrastination doesn't forestall the inevitable; it just means you will be unprepared. We know life is full of change and that all of us face end-of-life issues. To help prepare for a good death, here are some questions to consider with your loved ones, friends and advisors.

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  • From Surviving to Thriving: Moving Beyond Toxic Work Environments

    Chrissy Macken, Founder and Career Coach, blueprintgreen

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    If you wake up every morning dreading going to work, if you've excused yourself from a meeting because you were ready to explode, if you've ever cried at work, if it feels like none of your work matters, and all your contributions are dismissed, if your job feels totally unpredictable and you have no control over your time or tasks, if the burdens of your job are all you ever think about, if you're so overwhelmed it's paralyzing, then you’re probably in a toxic work environment. MORE >

    Being in a toxic work environment means that your workplace is sick; despite your best efforts, it’s very hard for you to achieve a sense of wellbeing and thrive in this workplace. And work stress is seeping into all other aspects of your life, and it’s likely bringing you down. I’d bet that you are missing out on having well-deserved compensation and the chance to shine as the career rock star that you are. And, you're probably unable to find a sense of meaning, purpose, and enjoyment in the work you do everyday.

    Your toxic work environment is as bad as you think it is, and you deserve better.

    I've been there. I know what it's like for every day on the job to somehow feel worse than the last. I know what it's like to be so entirely STUCK. And, in this presentation, I’ll teach you the strategies for how to get unstuck, rediscover your strengths, and reclaim your career potential.

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  • The Power of Facebook Live, How to Build Credibility and Sales in 3 Minutes

    Jean Kuhn, Business Strategist / Consultant, Bounce Solutions Jean Kuhn

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    In this entertaining 45 minute presentation, Certified Master Speaker, Jean Kuhn, shows your audience how to go from ordinary business owner to “Expert/Celebrity” business owner and why that’s important to getting new customers. MORE >

    Your audience will learn how to make content rich videos in a matter of minutes with their phone, tablet or desktop to create raving fans and buying customers. Something their competition is not doing... yet.

    Your audience will learn:

    * How to increase their customer reach
    * How to retain clients that stay longer and spend more money
    * How to get over 1000 views from their videos
    * How to create instant credibility
    * Hear real-life statistics that Jean and her clients are getting as they are building their businesses and getting new clients from video
    * To finally have fun with their marketing while making more money

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  • Stop Hiding Your Wrappers: How Food + Body Shame Keep Us from Our Healthiest Selves

    Laura Ellen, Nutritionist + Life Coach, Laura Ellen Coaching

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    In her years as a nutrition student, wellness consultant, and now as a health coach, Laura Ellen has come to realize one very key trend: we’re all keeping the same secret, hoping nobody finds out our secret. And that secret is - we all feel crazy with food. MORE >

    From doctors, to physique competitors, to weight loss clients, Laura has worked with person after person who is waiting to get they’re eating “under control” before they really show up in the world - professionally, personally, or otherwise. And it’s this waiting and hiding, not the eating itself, that keeps them stuck in the same habits.

    In this talk, Laura Ellen breaks down how shame perpetuates unwanted eating behaviors and keeps up from our health and diet goals rather than motivating us to success.

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  • How to Define an Infinite God

    Mark Karapetyan, Founder / President, What If UR Wrong Apologetics

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    If I asked you to draw a picture of a table, a tree, or a car, it would be relatively easy for you to do so. What if I asked you to draw something like gravity? What would you draw? Although you are aware that gravity exists, you just don’t know what it looks like since you can’t see it. How then can you draw it? What if I challenged you to sketch a picture of an object that is immaterial, that cannot be observed or seen, does not have any sides, angles, shapes, or any measurements, but you know exists, and is out there somewhere? What would you sketch? MORE >

    Basically, what I am asking you to do is draw God. Could you do it? It’s far more complex because you know that God exists, but that you just can’t observe or measure him. How can you draw something that you can’t observe, measure, or visualize, but you know exists? What do you do? How can anyone define a being that is outside of every known dimension? We can’t know what or who God is. That’s a fact! What we can do as finite humans is, point out several characteristics about God that He made it possible for us to observe and understand.
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  • Budgeting Time for Efficiency

    DeDee Cai, Founder and CEO, FIT TO PROFIT

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    We all know about financial projections and budgeting. What if you can use the same concept in budgeting your time to be more effective and efficient? As a leader, you want to lead with power and clarity, but you find yourself spinning the wheels to keep up. You can tell you are on the verge of a massive burnout. You know what you are doing is not sustainable, but your team and everyone depends on you. What if you could achieve 10X the results by learning how to budget your time while managing your energy? Join us to explore the optimal ways to upgrade your habits, and retrain your brain for peak performance.
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  • What’s My Purpose? Create the Thing You Wish Existed

    Katie DePaola, Founder and CEO, Inner Glow Circle

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    We’re all looking for our purpose to make sense of this life. We can find a sense purpose in many things - community, family, career, spiritual life. But our true purpose, no matter the sphere, is to create the thing we wish existed in the world. MORE >

    The problem is that most of us are largely taught to complain about the things we don’t like rather than change them. Complaints are low responsibility ways to ask for what we need. To reach our next level, both individually and collectively, we need to become more active than passive.

    Yes, we live in a difficult and often disheartening world, but the question is what can we do about it?

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  • Searching for the Truth… What is Truth?

    Mark Karapetyan, Founder / President, What If UR Wrong Apologetics

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    Ask anyone today if truth exists, or if it can be defined, and see how fascinating and edgy the conversation will get in a second. Ironically, we live in a pluralistic post-modern world where truth is subjectively recognized, widely suppressed, and regularly denied. You have probably heard someone tell you "I have my own truth and you have yours” or “all religions are true.” MORE >

    The problem with these types of statements is that they are opposing and mutually exclusive by nature. If they can't logically be both true, for they are self –defeating, how do we define truth and find out what is the truth?
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  • I’ll Have What She’s Having

    Robin Bourdeau, Weight Loss Coach, Robin Bourdeau Coaching

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    In this session, Robin shares her personal journey from 270 pounds back to being healthy and fit. She provides insight and guidance for understanding your current state, setting goals, building strength, energy, fitness, confidence and more.

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  • You and Birthday Cake Alone in a Room: The Unexpected Truth to Maximizing Diet Willpower

    Laura Ellen, Nutritionist + Life Coach, Laura Ellen Coaching

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    The formula to health and weight loss seems pretty clear: Don’t eat sweets or junk food. Exercise. Reach your body goals. If it’s so clear, then why do so many people have to return to dieting year after year? And why do 93% of dieters put on more weight than they originally lost? And why can one inanimate cake cause us to act in exactly the opposite way of our goals? MORE >

    Laura Ellen breaks down how the conventional weight loss and fitness industries’ approach to dieting sabotages willpower and is the cause of their terrible client success rates. She then teaches practical, science-proven methods to maximizing diet willpower and motivation that you’ve never heard from a health professional before.
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