All Topics in Washington D.C.

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  • Forged in Fire: Build Resilience Through Firefighter Principles

    Roderick Mitchell, Owner, Success By Fire

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    This presentation is rooted in decades of lived experiences, including twenty-eight years as a DC firefighter and emergency medical technician. We will explore effective mental practices such as; visualization, perception, and the ability to adapt. Each participant will leave with a clear action plan to address and overcome life's challenges. This plan is driven by a set of uniquely modified firefighting principles of action for success. R.E.C.E.O (Rescue, Expose, Confine, Extinguish, Overhaul).
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  • Unlocking Healing: The Holistic Path to Whole-Body Pain Relief

    Dana Scarton, Acupuncturist and Journalist, The Zen Point

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Do you isolate yourself when you are in pain? Do you say no when family or friends ask you to go out to dinner and feel terrible about it or just feel depressed? Another common frustration of many struggling with pain is lack of sleep, because it can be hard to get comfortable. Chronic pain doesn’t only affect the body. It can impact our mood, our relationships, and our ability to work, think, relax, and play. MORE >

    Often, conventional procedures and medications prescribed for pain are accompanied by annoying and even dangerous side- effects. Holistic medicine, such as acupuncture, offers safe and effective relief without bothersome side effects or drugs. Studies support the use of this modality for reducing various types of pain, including back pain, neck pain, carpal tunnel pain, joint pain, and arthritis.
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  • Unleashing the Power of Breakthrough Skills

    Bob Graham, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Breakthrough Solutions

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Technology cannot do it all in business. Successful entrepreneurs, leaders and managers need more. Bob Graham has developed three breakthrough skills, which when unleashed empower people and organizations to become more productive, collaborative and innovative. Using a combination of humor and insight, Graham has participants not just learning about breakthrough skills, but putting them to work – during the session. Participants leave inspired and prepared to act on what they learn. MORE >

    • How successful people blend technical skills with breakthrough skills to achieve that success
    • The importance of attunement, experience management and storytelling to solve complex problems
    • Strategies for using breakthrough skills in their own lives
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  • Creating a Cohesive Team: Practical Strategies for Any Organization

    Roderick Mitchell, Owner, Success By Fire

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    In a well run government agency, business group or board room, there is no place for I in team. The participants will explore the different levels of group cohesion, effective communication, decisive action and the importance of a mission driven mindset. Attendees will gain valuable insight and tools to help explore, recognize, and enhance individual talents. Collectively, creating the ingredients of a well functioning and successful team. MORE >

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  • Vet 2 Success – A Program for Veterans Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life

    Jailyn Powell, CEO, Victorious Vets

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    The goal of Victorious Vets is to help future vets confidently transition to the civilian world and thrive through personalized life and success planning. Victorious Vets provides one on one coaching, group coaching, ebooks, digital courses, and weekly podcast specifically tailored towards veterans. MORE >

    Providing mindset work to overcome imposter syndrome, tangible resources and a safe space for similar people to support each other going through similar things. Victorious Vets is an important steppingstone for all veterans!
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  • Fountain of Truth: Proven Strategies for Reaching Three Digits and Thriving!

    Dana Scarton, Acupuncturist and Journalist, The Zen Point

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Do you worry about memory and mental focus? Do you notice more joint or muscle pain, or perhaps chronic headaches? It's never too late to adopt practices for improving your health and extending your life. But longevity without quality is not the goal. Rather, the goal is health span - the idea of living longer while retaining mental, physical, and emotional health. MORE >

    In this presentation you'll learn:

    - About a handful of places around the world where people live into their 100's with both physical and mental vigor and why that matters.
    - How taking on something physically or mentally challenging or pursuing a long-held dream can be the best thing you do for your health and longevity.
    - Why regular quality time with family and friends is essential to aging well and avoiding early death.

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  • Fun with Hypnosis (fun and comedy)

    Martin Vendemia, BCH, MNLP, Hypnotist, Master NLP Practitioner, Inner Group Inc.

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Entertainment

    A lighthearted fun show that usually runs about 1 hour to 1.5 hours. Clean show good for schools, business, religious organizations. Can be used for fundraising. Typically fun skits with people doing silly things and cutting loose and having a great time. Audiences and participant laugh so much and have such great time. MORE >

    Specialized topics can be added into the show for specific needs of an organization if requested, or can just stay with having fun.
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  • Networking, Like Life, is a Process Not An Event

    Dan Williams, Networking, Like Life is a Process not an Event

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Mixing stories with light humor, Dan shares how to build a networking community through systematically managing network contacts from the point of simple awareness through a series of measurable milestones. Dan's networking system is adaptable to virtually any set of circumstances. MORE >

    His presentation can be customized for audience members who interactively learn how to build their networking community and how to develop their elevator pitch along with learning the secret to remembering names.

    Plus, Dan shares his life experience with the ONE networking principle that has NEVER failed.

    Dan speaks to corporate, professional, university and association audiences about the power of networking and how it transformed his life. He energetically shares life lessons on the art and science of networking. Those who attend Dan's interactive speeches and workshops find his advice practical, entertaining and motivational.

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  • 3 Keys to Lasting Weight Loss

    Granetta Coleman, Certified Healthy Lifestyle Accountability Coach, Rooted Dish

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    3 Keys to Lasting Weight Loss covers: The 6 culprits that are preventing you from losing weight; What’s stalling your metabolism & keeping the weight on; The 3 keys to losing the weight & keeping it off; The foods that increase your cravings & cause you to hold onto weight; One simple strategy you can implement immediately to boost metabolism.
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  • Breaking Through Generational Differences

    Bob Graham, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Breakthrough Solutions

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    The most diverse workforce in history is working in offices in the U.S. People in their 60s, 70s and even the 80s might work alongside people in their teens and 20s. The experiences of each age group (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z) differ greatly. Yet they have to work together for business to succeed. Bob Graham explains how his breakthrough skills can empower people of any age to work more effectively with people who are different. MORE >

    + Key components of each generation and what they mean
    + Important similarities among the age groups that can forge a new understanding
    + How to embrace differences to find better solutions to complex problems
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