Free Business Topics in Washington D.C.

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  • Creating a Cohesive Team: Practical Strategies for Any Organization

    Roderick Mitchell, Owner, Success By Fire

    In a well run government agency, business group or board room, there is no place for I in team. The participants will explore the different levels of group cohesion, effective communication, decisive action and the importance of a mission driven mindset. Attendees will gain valuable insight and tools to help explore, recognize, and enhance individual talents. Collectively, creating the ingredients of a well functioning and successful team. MORE >

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  • Do You Have Rockstars or Rocks on Your Team?

    Dawn Shuler, CEO and Founder, The Shuler Group, LLC

    A player employees outperform B players by 3 to 1. B players outperform C players by 3 to 1 again.

    Do the math… that means A players (your rockstars) are worth NINE C players (the rocks). MORE >

    How can you tell if you have rockstars or rocks on your team? How do you hire rockstars? Can you train rockstars? Do you need all rockstars only? Is there a place for the rocks?

    In this session, we'll cover:
    - What makes someone a rockstar, and what makes someone a rock
    - What to look for to hire rockstars over rocks
    - What to do with the rocks

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  • 7 ways to not lose your best employees

    Dawn Shuler, CEO and Founder, The Shuler Group, LLC

    Your employees and staff are the lifeblood of your organization. If you're losing good employees and/or you have a revolving door of people leaving your company, you're sacrificing profit, customer retention, and morale if you don't get a handle on this problem.

    During this session, we will cover: MORE >

    - The #1 reason employees voluntarily leave a position
    - How to identify your best employees
    - 7 strategies to employ (pun intended) to retain your employees - 6 of which you can put in place today

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  • Vet 2 Success – A Program for Veterans Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life

    Jailyn Powell, CEO, Victorious Vets

    The goal of Victorious Vets is to help future vets confidently transition to the civilian world and thrive through personalized life and success planning. Victorious Vets provides one on one coaching, group coaching, ebooks, digital courses, and weekly podcast specifically tailored towards veterans. MORE >

    Providing mindset work to overcome imposter syndrome, tangible resources and a safe space for similar people to support each other going through similar things. Victorious Vets is an important steppingstone for all veterans!
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  • Mastering Relationship Building as the Foundation of Exemplary Leadership

    Hazem Hammad, Leadership Coach, Hazem A. Hammad Corporation

    COVID has thrusted us into the virtual world. Now we are starting to look at what the world will be like post-pandemic. Reintroducing people to one another post pandemic - relationship building, interpersonal, social skills, etc, will be foundational to every new leaders skills set. If you're having social anxiety, shyness, experiencing awkwardness when networking and socializing, Hazem the Coach will help to overcome those feelings to create connection, strong networks and a robust leadership presence. MORE >

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  • One Simple Thing

    Dr. Mallary Tytel, President, Healthy Workplaces

    Each of us has the power to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others; and it is the little things that can accomplish great things. When we act in small, purposeful ways, with resolve, determination, and integrity, we can change the world. We can make a difference. This highly interactive workshop is drawn from my critically-acclaimed book, One Simple Thing: Simple Tools for Living Your Own Theory of Change, and explores how simple actions and models will help you influence the world, achieve your goals, and be a force within your professional community. MORE >

    At the end of this presentation you will be able to recognize your own patterns of engagement, practice two simple tools to take charge of your own growth and leadership and eat an elephant. Let me show you what I mean!
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  • Exploring Cultural Assumptions: Way Beyond Diversity 101

    Dr. Mallary Tytel, President, Healthy Workplaces

    We live and work in a complex world and every day we must work effectively and smartly with diverse populations in a fair, balanced, and collaborative manner. While many of us have been taught to overlook differences around us, particularly in power, privilege and hierarchy, bias and discrimination are still embedded patterns in our lives. These are called perspective, and along with it comes myriad assumptions about the world. MORE >

    Now more than ever we need to examine our own patterns, beliefs, and connections. What exactly are the nature of differences; the concepts of power and influence; and daily expectations for interaction and relationships? This timely presentation will challenge participants to new ways of seeing, understanding, and influencing the culture around them.

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  • Simple Rules for Women Leaders

    Dr. Mallary Tytel, President, Healthy Workplaces

    Are YOU a woman who is ready to advance in leadership, but still find obstacles in your path while you diligently serve? Are YOU part of an organization committed to increasing opportunities for women, but haven’t hit on a strategy that works? Most importantly, are YOU ready to embrace power and opportunity with the intention of assuming leadership and being your best self? The ways that you think about and use your own power can be the difference that makes a difference in your career. MORE >

    This presentation offers Simple Rules and Simple Tools to help you hone your skills and move you forward to reach your goals. Embrace your own power with intention and confidence, while focusing on your presence and self-assurance. Now is the time to move forward to achieve success. Let's get started.
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  • Building C3 Communities with Talent Optimization

    Mali Phonpadith, Founder & CEO, SOAR Community Network, LLC

    Build Compassionate, Cohesive and Collaborative (C3) communities within organizations using behavioral science and talent optimization disciplines. Mali shares strategic approaches to help executives drive business results by building and maintaining compassionate, cohesive and collaborative communities within the organization.
    The focus and goal of the session will help executive leaders: MORE >

    *Come to a consensus on new strategic priorities;
    *Use behavioral science to design high performing, innovative and cohesive teams;
    *Drive business results by aligning people data (behavioral strengths) with strategic objectives

    *Participants will be able to evaluate and prioritize their strategic objectives
    *Participants will be able to analyze and design people/team/talent strategies that creates C3 Communities within their organizations
    *Participants will be able to establish a new approach to talent management that increases engagement, improves collaboration, drive business results and improve organizational effectiveness
    *Participants will be able to assess how their “team type” and “culture map” (based on the results of their people data) impact engagement, productivity and innovation

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  • Budgeting Time for Efficiency

    DeDee Cai, Founder and CEO, FIT TO PROFIT

    We all know about financial projections and budgeting. What if you can use the same concept in budgeting your time to be more effective and efficient? As a leader, you want to lead with power and clarity, but you find yourself spinning the wheels to keep up. You can tell you are on the verge of a massive burnout. You know what you are doing is not sustainable, but your team and everyone depends on you. What if you could achieve 10X the results by learning how to budget your time while managing your energy? Join us to explore the optimal ways to upgrade your habits, and retrain your brain for peak performance.
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