Chrissy Macken

Founder and Career Coach, blueprintgreen

Free Business Speaker in Washington D.C.

  • From Surviving to Thriving: Moving Beyond Toxic Work Environments

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    If you wake up every morning dreading going to work, if you've excused yourself from a meeting because you were ready to explode, if you've ever cried at work, if it feels like none of your work matters, and all your contributions are dismissed, if your job feels totally unpredictable and you have no control over your time or tasks, if the burdens of your job are all you ever think about, if you're so overwhelmed it's paralyzing, then you’re probably in a toxic work environment. MORE >

    Being in a toxic work environment means that your workplace is sick; despite your best efforts, it’s very hard for you to achieve a sense of wellbeing and thrive in this workplace. And work stress is seeping into all other aspects of your life, and it’s likely bringing you down. I’d bet that you are missing out on having well-deserved compensation and the chance to shine as the career rock star that you are. And, you're probably unable to find a sense of meaning, purpose, and enjoyment in the work you do everyday.

    Your toxic work environment is as bad as you think it is, and you deserve better.

    I've been there. I know what it's like for every day on the job to somehow feel worse than the last. I know what it's like to be so entirely STUCK. And, in this presentation, I’ll teach you the strategies for how to get unstuck, rediscover your strengths, and reclaim your career potential.

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